About This Project

My Aunt Carol (Giampa) was a life long cook and the holder of my family's culinary traditions. When she passed, her recipe collection came to me. Having learned many of my cooking skills from her and forging traditions of my own, I am honored and challenged to explore the many recipes of her mother and aunts that never made it into my repertoire. Many of these recipes are desserts. This project is an attempt to both memorialize Aunt Carol (or Jumpy as she was known to most others) and explore/test/review these old family recipes. Join me?

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I was about to do it anyway, throw all caution to the wind and combine aspects of the Pioneer Woman's and the Copycat Cinnabon doughs. As if that would work! I liked aspects of the Pioneer Woman's but man that was too much dough! The proportions made more sense for my project in the copycat recipe but it seemed too simple, too modern somehow. So I went back to my cookbook cupboard and pulled out the slim volume called Cape May County Cook Book. Fifty cents! It boasts "Over 200 Fine and Original Recipes." It was published in 1953 and so I think a bit more in keeping with the rest of the recipe I plan to use.

I love the ads in this little book but don't recognize any of the businesses. The foreward it too charming, here is an excerpt:

A well planned, carefully prepared and attractively served meal is truly a work of art. Disparaging as her job may be, in some instances, the family cook, or kitchen artist, will long be remembered for her ability to satisfy the inner man with her palate tickling repasts.

Well, pass the repast! My inner man is hungry!

On page 7, compliments of Mrs. Henry F. Daugherty, we have cinnamon buns. It's the yin to my recipe's yang, providing the dough in detailed instruction and then letting you wing the sugar/butter/cinnamon and raisin bits for inside. There are actual measurements for the sauce at least. In a note of affirmation, Mrs. Daugherty also wants the dough to rise overnight!

2 1/2 cups milk
1 cup sugar
1 cup shortening and butter
1 yeast cake

Scald the milk and pour over the sugar and lard and butter mixture. Soak the yeast cake in warm water and add when softened. Add enough flour to make a light batter. Let rise all night.

In the morning add:
1 cup of sugar
1 egg
pinch of salt
1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

Again, add only enough flour to make batter light. Let rise again until dough is not too stiff; roll out on a floured board...

I'm sure Mrs. Daugherty's recipe is just lovely and that ole Mr. Henry was quite satisfied inside and out, but this is where I'm going to finish up with the handwritten recipe. For which I'm going to make you wait until tomorrow. Our recipe calls for a mmm technique I haven't seen in any of the recipes I've looked at so far. That leaves just the big question: use 100% butter or ask Mander to stop at the store on her way home and get me some LARD.

Oh and hm. I only have active dry yeast, not fresh yeast cake. The interwebs say I can sub. Anyone have experience with that? Will it work?

1 comment:

  1. "too simple, too modern somehow"

    That kind of made me laugh. Every older woman I ever watched cook -- which now that I think of it was my Nana and my Grammie and none else -- was all about the simple. 1. Make food 2. Put food on table. I tend to think of "modern" cooking as more froufy and involved. :D
